Article in Pit Magazine


I realise it’s been a while since my last blog post… but that’s only because I’ve been focusing on two other food writing projects, both of which I’m really excited about! One I’ll talk about another time. The other is a piece I recently wrote for the wonderful Pit Magazine, and its latest edition on the sandwich.

It was such an honour to contribute to this award-winning publication, especially as Pit looks at food as a lens to so many other things – cultural, sociological, political, economical – whilst also celebrating the real joy and connection that food can bring. So if you’d like to read about Palestinian arayes, Puerto Rican bodegas, Hong Kong western toasties, Wigan pie barns, Xi’an roujiamos and the humble tuna melt – plus my own piece of family memoir about the Passover matzah sandwich – then please order your copy here.

A huge thanks to editor Helen Graves for commissioning the piece, and to Holly Catford for her help with collating all the photos and images.

Hope you enjoy!



Pit Magazine 

Front cover of Pit Magazine of two people eating a sandwich


Pit Magazine sandwich edition index




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